F-Secure Exploit Shield
About F-Secure Exploit Shield


F-Secure Exploit Shield is an application that protects users from web-based malicious exploits and stops malware at the first point of infection. All malicious, exploit-hosting URLs it detects are automatically reported back to F-Secure's Real-time Protection Network, which helps our Security Labs discover new exploits on the Internet and react to protect all our existing customers.

F-Secure Exploit Shield features


* Zero Day Protection: Protects unpatched machines even before patches are available from the software vendor.

* Patch-equivalent Protection: One 'shield' update per vulnerability stops all exploits targeting it.

* Proactive Measures: Heuristic detection techniques block exploits even for unknown vulnerabilities.

* Protects against both malicious websites and good websites that have been hacked.

* Automatically sends detected malicious URLs from users to F-Secure.


Contact for SecurityFocus review:

SG Masood

sg.masood (at) f-secure (dot) com [email concealed]

Product Manager

F-Secure Corporation

link for download the application http://support.f-secure.com/beta/estp/estp.shtml
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