Browser Security Handbook, part 2.4

Gaps in DOM access control

For compatibility or usability reasons, and sometimes out of simple oversight, certain DOM properties and methods may be invoked across domains without the usual same-origin check carried out elsewhere. These exceptions to DOM security rules include:

  • window.postMessage API: this new mechanism introduced in several browsers permits two willing windows who have each other's handles to exchange text-based messages across domains as an explicit feature. The receiving party must opt in by registering an appropriate event handler (via window.addEventListener()), and has the opportunity to examine MessageEvent.origin property to make rudimentary security decisions.

A survey of these exceptions is summarized below:

Test description MSIE6 MSIE7 MSIE8 FF2 FF3 Safari Opera Chrome Android
Can window.open() look up unrelated windows? YES YES NO YES YES YES NO YES* YES
Can frames[] look up unrelated windows? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
Can <win>.frames[] access third-party IFRAMEs? YES YES NO YES YES YES NO YES* YES
Is <win>.frames[] iterator permitted? YES YES YES NO NO NO (NO) NO NO
Can window.open() reposition unrelated windows? YES YES NO YES YES YES NO YES* YES
Can <win>.history.* methods be called on unrelated targets? NO NO (NO) YES YES YES NO YES* YES
Can <win>.location.* properties be set on unrelated targets? YES YES (NO) YES YES YES NO YES* YES
Can <win>.location.* methods be called on unrelated targets? YES YES (NO) YES YES YES NO YES* YES
Can <win>.document.write() be called on unrelated targets? NO NO NO YES NO NO NO NO NO
Can TARGET= links reposition unrelated targets? YES YES NO YES YES YES YES YES* YES
Is setting window.on* properties possible across domains? YES (?) YES (?) YES (?) NO NO NO NO NO NO
Is setting window.opener possible across domains? YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
Is setting window.name possible across domains? YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
Is calling frameElements methods possible across domains? NO NO NO YES NO NO NO NO NO
Can top-level documents navigate subframes of third-party frames? YES YES NO YES YES YES NO YES YES
Is postMessage API supported? NO NO YES NO YES NO YES YES NO

* In Chrome, this succeeds only if both tabs share a common renderer process, which limits the scope of possible attacks.

Privacy-related side channels

As a consequence of cross-domain security controls being largely an afterthought, there is no strong compartmentalization and separation of browser-managed resource loading, cache, and metadata management for unrelated, previously visited sites - nor any specific protections that would prevent one site from exploiting these mechanisms to unilaterally and covertly collect fairly detailed information about user's general browsing habits.

Naturally, when the ability for www.example-bank.com to find out that their current visitor also frequents www.example-casino.com is not mitigated effectively, such a design runs afoul of user's expectations and may be a nuisance. Unfortunately, there is no good method to limit these risks without severely breaking backward compatibility, however.

Aside from coding vulnerabilities such as cross-site script inclusion, some of the most important browsing habit disclosure scenarios include:

  • Reading back CSS :visited class on links: cascading stylesheets support a number of pseudo-classes that may be used by authors to define conditional visual appearance of certain elements. For hyperlinks, these pseudo-classes include :link (appearance of an unvisited link), :hover (used while mouse hovers over a link), :active (used while link is selected), and :visited (used on previously visited links).Unfortunately, in conjunction with the previously described getComputedStyle and currentStyle APIs, which are designed to return current, composite CSS data for any given HTML element, this last pseudo-class allows any web site to examine which sites (or site sub-resources) of an arbitrarily large set were visited by the victim, and which were not: if the computed style of a link to www.example.com has :visited properties applied to it, there is a match.

    Trivia: even in absence of these APIs, or with JavaScript disabled, somewhat less efficient purely CSS-based enumeration is possible by referencing a unique server-side image via target-specific :visited descriptors (more).

  • Full-body CSS theft: as indicated in earlier sections, CSS parsers are generally very strict - but they fail softly: in case of any syntax errors, they do not give up, but rather attempt to locate the next valid declaration and resume parsing from there (this behavior is notably different from JavaScript, which uses a more relaxed parser, but gives up on the first syntax error). This particular well-intentioned property permits a rogue third-party site to include any HTML page, such as mbox.example-webmail.com, as a faux stylesheet - and have the parser extract CSS definitions embedded on this page between <STYLE> and </STYLE> tags only, silently ignoring all the HTML in between.Since many sites use very different inline stylesheets for logged in users and for guests, and quite a few services permit further page customizations to suit users' individual tastes - accessing the getComputedStyle or currentStyle after such an operation enables the attacker to make helpful observations about victim's habits on targeted sites.
  • Resource inclusion probes with onload and onerror checks: many of the sub-resource loading tags, such as <IMG>, <SCRIPT>, <IFRAME>, <OBJECT>, <EMBED>, or <APPLET>, will invoke onload or onerror handlers (if defined) to communicate the outcome of an attempt to load the requested URL.Since it is a common practice for various sub-resources on complex web sites to become accessible only if the user is authenticated (returning HTTP 3xx or 4xx codes otherwise), the attacker may carry out rogue attempts to load assorted third-party URLs from within his page, and determine whether the victim is authenticated with cookies on any of the targeted sites.
  • Image size fingerprinting: a close relative of onload and onerror probing is the practice of querying Image.height, Image.width, getComputedStyle or currentStyle APIs on <IMG> containers with no dimensions specified by the page they appear on. A successful load of an authentication-requiring image would result in computed dimensions different from these used for a "broken image" stub.
  • Document structure traversal: most browsers permit pages to look up third-party named windows or <IFRAME> containers across domains. This has two important consequences in the context of user fingerprinting: one is that may be is possible to identify whether certain applications are open at the same time in other windows; the other is that by loading third-party applications in an <IFRAME> and trying to look up their sub-frames, if used, often allows the attacker to determine if the user is logged in with a particular site.On top of that, some browsers also leak information across domains by throwing different errors if a property referenced across domains is not found, and different if found, but permission is denied. One such example is the delete <win>.program_variable operator.
  • Cache timing: many resources cached locally by the browser may, when requested, load in a couple milliseconds - whereas fetching them from the server may take a longer while. By timing onload events on elements such as <IMG> or <IFRAME> with carefully chosen target URLs, a rogue page may tell if the requested resource, belonging to a probed site, is already cached - which would indicate prior visits - or not.The probe works only once, as the resources probed this way would be cached for a while as a direct result of testing; but premature retesting could be avoided in a number of ways.
  • Pseudo-random number generator probing: a research paper by Amit Klein explores the idea of reconstructing the state of non-crypto-safe pseudo-random number generators used globally in browsers for purposes such as implementing Javascript Math.random(), or generating multipart/form-data MIME boundaries, to uniquely identify users and possibly check for certain events across domains.

Assorted tests related to the aforementioned side channels:

Test description MSIE6 MSIE7 MSIE8 FF2 FF3 Safari Opera Chrome Android
Is detection of :visited styles possible? YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
Can image sizes be read back via CSS? NO NO NO YES YES YES NO YES YES
Can image sizes be read back via Image object? YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
Does CSS parser accept HTML documents as stylesheets? YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
Does onerror fire on all common HTTP errors? YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
Is delete <win>.var probe possible? NO NO NO YES YES NO NO NO NO

Note: Chris Evans and Billy Rios explore many of these vectors in greater detail in their 2008 presentation, "Cross-Domain Leakiness".

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