Browser Security Handbook, part 2.2

Same-origin policy for Java

Much like Adobe Flash, Java applets, reportedly supported on about 80% of all desktop systems, follow the basic concept of same-origin checks applied to a runtime context derived from the site the applet is downloaded from. The documentation for Java security model available on the Internet appears to be remarkably poor and spotty, so the information provided in this section is in large part based on empirical testing. According to this research, the following permissions are available to Java applets:

  • The ability to interact with JavaScript on the embedding page through the JSObject API, with no specific same-origin checks. This mechanism is disabled by default, but may be enabled with the MAYSCRIPT parameter within the <APPLET> tag.
  • In some browsers, the ability to interact with the embedding page through the DOMService API. The documentation does not state what, if any, same-origin checks should apply; based on the aforementioned tests, no checks are carried out, and cross-domain embedding pages may be accessed freely with no need for MAYSCRIPT opt-in. This directly contradicts the logic of JSObject API.
  • The ability to send same-origin HTTP requests using the browser stack via the URLConnection API, with virtually no security controls, including the ability to set Host headers, or insert conflicting caching directives. On the upside, it appears that there is no ability to read 30x redirect bodies or httponly cookies from within applets.
  • The ability to initiate unconstrained TCP connections back to the originating host, and that host only, using the Socket API. These connections do not go through the browser, and are not subject to any additional security checks (e.g., ports such as 25/tcp are permitted).

Depending on the configuration, the user may be prompted to give signed applets greater privileges, including the ability to read and write local files, or access specific devices. Unlike Flash, Java has no cross-domain policy negotiation features.

Test description MSIE6 MSIE7 MSIE8 FF2 FF3 Safari Opera Chrome Android
Is DOMService supported? YES YES YES NO NO YES NO YES n/a
Does DOMService permit cross-domain access to embedding page? YES YES YES n/a n/a YES n/a YES n/a

Same-origin policy for Silverlight

Microsoft Silverlight 2.0 is a recently introduced content rendering browser plugin, and a competitor to Adobe Flash.

There is some uncertainty about how likely the technology is to win widespread support, and relatively little external security research and documentation available at this time, so this section will be likely revised and extended at a later date. In principle, however, Silverlight appears to closely mimick the same-origin model implemented for Flash:

  • Security context for the application is derived from the URL the applet is included from. Access to the embedding HTML document is permitted by default for same-origin HTML, and controlled by enableHtmlAccess parameter elsewhere. Microsoft security documentation does not clearly state if scripts have permission to navigate browser windows in absence of enableHtmlAccess, however.
  • Same-origin HTTP requests may be issued via HttpWebRequest API, and may contain arbitrary payloads - but there are certain restrictions on which HTTP headers may be modified. The exact list of restricted headers appears to be not given by Microsoft in MSDN documentation (reference).
  • Cross-domain HTTP and network access is not permitted until a policy compatible with Flash crossdomain.xml or Silverlight clientaccesspolicy.xml format, is furnished by the target host. Microsoft documentation implies that "unexpected" MIME types are rejected, but this is not elaborated upon; it is also not clear how strict the parser used for XML policies is (reference).
  • Non-HTTP network connectivity uses System.Net.Sockets. Raw connections to same-origin systems are not permitted until an appropriate cross-domain policy is furnished (reference).
  • Cross-scheme access between HTTP and HTTPS is apparently considered same-origin, and does not require a cross-domain specification (reference).

Same-origin policy for Gears

Google Gears is a browser extension that enables user-authorized sites to store persistent data in a local database. Containers in the database are partitioned in accordance with the traditional understanding of same-origin rules: that is, protocol, host name, and port must match precisely for a page to be able to access a particular container - and direct fenceposts across these boundaries are generally not permitted (reference).

An important additional feature of Gears are JavaScript workers: a specialized WorkerPool API permits authorized sites to initiate background execution of JavaScript code in an inherited security context without blocking browser UI. This functionality is provided in hopes of making it easier to develop rich and CPU-intensive offline applications.

A somewhat unusual, indirect approach to cross-domain data access in Gears is built around the createWorkerFromUrl function, rather than any sort of cross-domain policies. This API call permits a previously authorized page in one domain to spawn a worker running in the context of another; both the security context, and the source from which the worker code is retrieved, is derived from the supplied URL. For security reasons, the data must be further served with a MIME type of application/x-gears-worker, thus acknowledging mutual consent to this interaction.

Workers behave like separate processes: they do not share any execution state with each other or with their parent - although they may communicate with the "foreground" JavaScript code and workers in other domain through a simple, specialized messaging mechanism.

Workers also do not have access to a native XMLHttpRequest implementation, so Gears provides a compatible subset of this functionality through own HttpRequest interface. HttpRequest implementation blacklists a standard set of HTTP headers and methods, as listed in httprequest.cc.

Origin inheritance rules

As hinted earlier, certain types of pseudo-URLs, such as javascript:, data:, or about:blank, do not have any inherent same-origin context associated with them the way http:// URLs have - which poses a special problem in the context of same-origin checks.

If a shared "null" security context is bestowed upon all these resources, and checks against this context always succeed, a risk arises that blank windows spawned by completely unrelated sites and used for different purposes could interfere with each other. The possibility is generally prevented in most browsers these days, but had caused a fair number of problems in the past (see Mozilla bug 343168 and related work by Adam Barth and Collin Jackson for a historical perspective). On the other hand, if all access to such windows is flat out denied, this would go against the expectation of legitimate sites to be able to scriptually access own data: or about:blank windows.

Various browsers accommodate this ambiguity in different ways, often with different rules for document-embedded <IFRAME> containers, for newly opened windows, and for descendants of these windows.

A quick survey of implementations is shown below:

Test description MSIE6 MSIE7 MSIE8 FF2 FF3 Safari Opera Chrome Android
Inherited context for empty IFRAMEs parent parent parent parent parent parent parent parent parent
Inherited context for about:blank windows parent parent parent no access no access parent parent parent parent
Inherited context for javascript: windows parent parent parent parent parent n/a parent n/a n/a
Inherited context for data: windows n/a n/a n/a parent parent no access blank no access no access
Is parent's Referer sent from empty IFRAMEs? NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO
Is parent's Referer sent from javascript: windows? NO NO NO NO NO n/a NO n/a n/a
Is parent's Referer sent from data: windows? n/a n/a n/a NO NO NO NO NO NO

Cross-site scripting and same-origin policies

Same-origin policies are generally perceived as one of most significant bottlenecks associated with contemporary web browsers. To application developers, the policies are too strict and inflexible, serving as a major annoyance and stifling innovation; the developers push for solutions such as cross-domain XMLHttpRequest or crossdomain.xml in order to be able to build and seamlessly integrate modern applications that span multiple domains and data feeds. To security engineers, on the other hand, these very same policies are too loose, putting user data at undue risk in case of minor and in practice nearly unavoidable programming errors.

The security concern traces back to the fact that the structure of HTML as such, and the practice for rendering engines to implement very lax and poorly documented parsing of legacy HTML features, including extensive and incompatible error recovery attempts, makes it difficult for web site developers to render user-controlled information without falling prey to HTML and script injection flaws. A number of poorly designed, browser-side content sniffing and character set strategies (discussed later in this document), further contributes to the problem by making it likely for non-HTML content to be misinterpreted and rendered as HTML anyway.

Because of this, nearly every major web service routinely suffers from numerous HTML injection flaws; xssed.com, an external site dedicated to tracking publicly reported issues of this type, amassed over 50,000 entries in under two years - and some of the persistent (server-stored) kind turn out to be rather devastating.

The problem clearly demonstrates the inadequateness of same-origin policies as statically bound to a single domain: not all content shown on a particular site should or may be trusted the same, and permitted to do the same. The ability to either isolate, or restrict privileges for portions of data that currently enjoy unconstrained same-origin privileges, would mitigate the impact of HTML parsing problems and developer errors, and also enable new types of applications to be securely built, and is the focus of many experimental security mechanisms proposed for future browsers (as outlined later on).

Life outside same-origin rules

Various flavors of same-origin policies define a set of restrictions for several relatively recent and particularly dangerous operations in modern browsers - DOM access, XMLHttpRequest, cookie setting - but as originally envisioned, the web had no security boundaries built in, and no particular limitations were set on what resources pages may interact with, or in what manner. This promiscuous design holds true to this date for many of the core HTML mechanisms, and this degree of openness likely contributed to the overwhelming success of the technology.

This section discusses the types of interaction not subjected to same-origin checks, and the degree of cross-domain interference they may cause.

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