Browser Security Handbook, part 2.1

Same-origin policy for cookies

As the web started to move from static content to complex applications, one of the most significant problems with HTTP was that the protocol contained no specific provisions for maintaining any client-associated context for subsequent requests, making it difficult to implement contemporary mechanisms such as convenient, persistent authentication or preference management (HTTP authentication, as discussed later on, proved to be too cumbersome for this purpose, while any in-URL state information would be often accidentally disclosed to strangers or lost). To address the need, HTTP cookies were implemented in Netscape Navigator (and later captured in spirit as RFC 2109, with neither of the standards truly followed by most implementations): any server could return a short text token to be stored by the client in a Set-Cookie header, and the token would be stored by clients and included on all future requests (in a Cookie header).

Key properties of the mechanism:

  • Header structure: every Set-Cookie header sent by the server consists of one or more comma-separated NAME=VALUE pairs, followed by a number of additional semicolon-separated parameters or keywords. In practice, a vast majority of browsers support only a single pair (confusingly, multiple NAME=VALUE pairs are accepted in all browsers via document.cookie, a simple JavaScript cookie manipulation API). Every Cookie header sent by the client consists of any number of semicolon-separated NAME=VALUE pairs with no additional metadata.
  • Scope: by default, cookie scope is limited to all URLs on the current host name - and not bound to port or protocol information. Scope may be limited with path= parameter to specify a specific path prefix to which the cookie should be sent, or broadened to a group of DNS names, rather than single host only, with domain=. The latter operation may specify any fully-qualified right-hand segment of the current host name, up to one level below TLD (in other words, www.foo.bar.example.com may set a cookie to be sent to *.bar.example.com or *.example.com, but not to *.something.else.example.com or *.com); the former can be set with no specific security checks, and uses just a dumb left-hand substring match.Note: according to one of the specs, domain wildcards should be marked with a preceeding period, so .example.com would denote a wildcard match for the entire domain - including, somewhat confusingly, example.com proper - whereas foo.example.com would denote an exact host match. Sadly, no browser follows this logic, and domain=example.com is exactly equivalent to domain=.example.com. There is no way to limit cookies to a single DNS name only, other than by not specifying domain= value at all - and even this does not work in Microsoft Internet Explorer; likewise, there is no way to limit them to a specific port.
  • Time to live: by default, each cookie has a lifetime limited to the duration of the current browser session (in practice meaning that it is stored in program memory only, and not written to disk). Alternatively, an expires= parameter may be included to specify the date (in one of a large number of possible confusing and hard-to-parse date formats) at which the cookie should be dropped. This automatically enables persistent storage of the cookie. A much less commonly used, but RFC-mandated max-age= parameter might be used to specify expiration time delta instead.
  • Overwriting cookies: if a new cookie with the same NAME, domain, and path as an existing cookie is encountered, the old cookie is discarded. Otherwise, even if a subtle difference exists (e.g., two distinct domain= values in the same top-level domain), the two cookies will co-exist, and may be sent by the client at the same time as two separate pairs in Cookie headers, with no additional information to help resolve the conflict.
  • Deleting cookies: There is no specific mechanism for deleting cookies envisioned, although a common hack is to overwrite a cookie with a bogus value as outlined above, plus a backdated or short-lived expires= (using max-age=0 is not universally supported).
  • "Protected" cookies: as a security feature, some cookies set may be marked with a special secure keyword, which causes them to be sent over HTTPS only. Note that non-HTTPS sites may still set secure cookies in some implementations, just not read them back.

The original design for HTTP cookies has multiple problems and drawbacks that resulted in various security problems and kludges to address them:

  • Privacy issues: the chief concern with the mechanism was that it permitted scores of users to be tracked extensively across any number of collaborating domains without permission (in the simplest form, by simply including tracking code in an IFRAME pointing to a common evil-tracking.com resource on any number of web pages, so that the same evil-tracking.com cookie can be correlated across all properties). It is a major misconception that HTTP cookies were the only mechanism to store and retrieve long-lived client-side tokens - for example, cache validation directives or window.name DOM property may be naughtily repurposed to implement a very similar functionality - but the development nevertheless caused public outcry.Widespread criticism eventually resulted in many browsers enabling restrictions on any included content on a page setting cookies for any domain other than that displayed in the URL bar (discussed later on), despite the fact that such a measure would not stop cooperating sites from tracking users using marginally more sophisticated methods. A minority of users to this day browses with cookies disabled altogether for similar reasons, too.
  • Problems with ccTLDs: the specification did not account for the fact that many country-code TLDs are governed by odd or sometimes conflicting rules. For example, waw.pl, com.pl, and co.uk should be all seen as generic, functional top-level domains, and so it should not be possible to set cookies at this level, as to avoid interference between various applications; but example.pl or coredump.cx are single-owner domains for which it should be possible to set cookies. This resulted in many browsers having serious trouble collecting empirical data from various ccTLDs and keeping it in sync with the current state of affairs in the DNS world.
  • Problems with conflict resolution: when two identically named cookies with different scopes are to be sent in a single request, there is no information available to the server to resolve the conflict and decide which cookie came from where, or how old it is. Browsers do not follow any specific conventions on the ordering of supplied cookies, too, and some behave in an outright buggy manner. Additional metadata to address this problem is proposed in "cookies 2" design (RFC 2965), but the standard never gained widespread support.
  • Problems with certain characters: just like HTTP, cookies have no specific provisions for character escaping, and no specified behavior for handling of high-bit and control characters. This sometimes results in completely unpredictable and dangerous situations if not accounted for.
  • Problems with cookie jar size: standards do relatively little to specify cookie count limits or pruning strategies. Various browsers may implement various total and per-domain caps, and the behavior may result in malicious content purposefully disrupting session management, or legitimate content doing so by accident.
  • Perceived JavaScript-related problems: the aforementioned document.cookie JavaScript API permits for JavaScript embedded on pages to access sensitive authentication cookies. If malicious scripts may be planted on a page due to insufficient escaping of user input, these cookies could be stolen and disclosed to the attacker. The concern for this possibility resulted in httponly cookie flag being incorporated into Microsoft Internet Explorer, and later other browsers; such cookies would not be visible through document.cookie (but, as noted in the previous section, are not always adequately hidden in XMLHttpRequest calls). In reality, the degree of protection afforded this way is minimal, given the ability to interact with same-origin content through DOM.
  • Problems with "protected" cookie clobbering: as indicated earlier, secure and httponly cookies are meant not to be visible in certain situations, but no specific thought was given to preventing JavaScript from overwriting httponly cookies, or non-encrypted pages from overwriting secure cookies; likewise, httponly or secure cookies may get dropped and replaced with evil versions by simply overflowing the per-domain cookie jar. This oversight could be abused to subvert at least some usage scenarios.
  • Conflicts with DOM same-origin policy rules: cookies have scoping mechanisms that are broader and essentially incompatible with same-origin policy rules (e.g., as noted, no ability to restrict cookies to a specific host or protocol) - sometimes undoing some content security compartmentalization mechanisms that would otherwise be possible under DOM rules.

An IETF effort is currently underway to clearly specify currently deployed cookie behavior across major browsers.

Test description MSIE6 MSIE7 MSIE8 FF2 FF3 Safari Opera Chrome Android
Does document.cookie work on ftp URLs? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO n/a
Does document.cookie work on file URLs? YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO n/a
Is Cookie2 standard supported? NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO
Are multiple comma-separated Set-Cookie pairs accepted? NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO NO
Are quoted-string values supported for HTTP cookies? NO NO NO YES YES NO YES NO YES
Is max-age parameter supported? NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES
Does max-age=0 work to delete cookies? (NO) (NO) (NO) YES YES NO YES YES YES
Is httponly flag supported? YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO
Can scripts clobber httponly cookies?* NO NO NO YES NO YES NO NO (YES)
Can HTTP pages clobber secure cookies?* YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
Ordering of duplicate cookies with different scope random random some dropped some dropped most specific first random most specific first most specific first by age
Maximum length of a single cookie 4 kB 4 kB broken
Maximum number of cookies per site 50 50 50 100 ~70 50
Are cookies for right-hand IP address fragments accepted? NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO NO
Are host-scope cookies possible (no domain= value)? NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES
Overly permissive ccTLD behavior test results (3 tests) 1/3 FAIL 1/3 FAIL 3/3 OK 2/3 FAIL 3/3 OK 1/3 FAIL 3/3 OK 3/3 OK 2/3 FAIL

* Note that as discussed earlier, even when this is not directly permitted, the attacker may still drop the original cookie by simply overflowing the cookie jar, and insert a new one without a httponly or secure flag set; and even if the ability to overflow the jar is limited, there is no way for a server to distinguish between a genuine httponly or secure cookie, and a differently scoped, but identically named lookalike.

Same-origin policy for Flash

Adobe Flash, a plugin believed to be installed on about 99% of all desktops, incorporates a security model generally inspired by browser same-origin checks. Flash applets have their security context derived from the URL they are loaded from (as opposed to the site that embeds them with <OBJECT> or <EMBED> tags), and within this realm, permission control follows the same basic principle as applied by browsers to DOM access: protocol, host name, and port of the requested resource is compared with that of the requestor, with universal access privileges granted to content stored on local disk. That said, there are important differences - and some interesting extensions - that make Flash capable of initiating cross-domain interactions to a degree greater than typically permitted for native browser content.

Some of the unique properties and gotchas of the current Flash security model include:

  • The ability for sites to provide a cross-domain policy, often referred to as crossdomain.xml, to allow a degree of interaction from non-same-origin content. Any non-same-origin Flash applet may specify a location on the target server at which this XML-based specification should be looked up; if it matches a specific format, it would be interpreted as a permission to carry out cross-domain actions for a given target URL path and its descendants.Historically, the mechanism, due to extremely lax XML parser and no other security checks in place, posed a major threat: many types of user content, for example images or text files, could be trivially made to mimick such data without site owner's knowledge or consent. Recent security improvements enabled a better control of cross-domain policies; this includes a more rigorous XML parser; a requirement for MIME type on policies to match text/*, application/xml, or application/xhtml+xml; or the concept of site-wide meta-policies, stored at a fixed top-level location - /crossdomain.xml. These policies would specify global security rules, and for example prevent any lower-order policies from being interpreted, or require MIME type on all policies to non-ambiguously match text/x-cross-domain-policy.
  • The ability to make cookie-bearing cross-domain HTTP GET and POST requests via the browser stack, with fewer constraints than typically seen elsewhere in browsers. This is achieved through the URLRequest API. The functionality, most notably, includes the ability to specify arbitrary Content-Type values, and to send binary payloads. Historically, Flash would also permit nearly arbitrary headers to be appended to cross-domain traffic via the requestHeaders property, although this had changed with a series of recent security updates, now requiring an explicit crossdomain.xml directive to re-enable the feature.
  • The ability to make same-origin HTTP requests, including setting and reading back HTTP headers to an extent greater than that of XMLHttpRequest (list of banned headers).
  • The ability to access to raw TCP sockets via XMLSockets, to connect back to the same-origin host on any high port (> 1024), or to access third-party systems likewise. Following recent security updates, this requires explicit cross-domain rules, although these may be easily provided for same-origin traffic. In conjunction with DNS rebinding attacks or the behavior of certain firewall helpers, the mechanism could be abused to punch holes in the firewall or probe local and remote systems, although certain mitigations were incorporated since then.
  • The ability for applet-embedding pages to restrict certain permissions for the included content by specifying <OBJECT> or <EMBED> parameters:
    • The ability to load external files and navigate the current browser window (allowNetworking attribute).
    • The ability to interact with on-page JavaScript context (allowScriptAccess attribute; previously unrestricted by default, now limited to sameDomain, which requires the accessed page to be same origin with the applet).
    • The ability to run in full-screen mode (allowFullScreen attribute).

This model is further mired with other bugs and oddities, such as the reliance on location.* DOM being tamper-proof for the purpose of executing same-origin security checks.

Flash applets running from the Internet do not have any specific permissions to access local files or input devices, although depending on user configuration decisions, some or all sites may use a limited quota within a virtualized data storage sandbox, or access the microphone.

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